Sunday, 22 May 2011

I need to get back to the business of creativity. I have all these wonderful plans, and only a few things left to stand in my way.

List of accomplishments:

a) alienate the arts community and stand on my own - check (I've done this before, and will probably do it again, and really feel that in order to create the bond and shackles of politics and non-profit funded groups have to be out of my life.)
  • I stepped away from the conservatory teaching at my university because I really did feel (and still do) that it was just a club for people who think they are better than the average person. I am just as talented a teacher and performer as any one of them, and I have the degree to prove it. I pride myself on being an academic, and I will always attempt to stay away from the cliques and groups
  • I stepped away from my university newspaper and gave it over to the next generation to run. The Quill has always been near to my heart, and I will always love the way it helped me get through some really tough times, but I've learned what I can from it, got some amazing experience dealing with a non-profit board, and managed to salvage a number of friendships that will last much longer than a copy of a university newspaper.
  • I've alienated myself from the board of the local folk festival. I was an active member, I will never regret the time I spent there, but will ultimately always feel betrayed as those were the people who purported themselves to be 'different' than the classical arts community here in Brandon. It turns out, all groups, and all boards, whether they are they board of a university newspaper, student council in high-school or university, board of  the folk festival, or a group of private conservatory teachers are fundamentally a clique. I'm done with high-school When someone can show me a group of people who want to benefit the community more than themselves I'll join it. As long as it is non-partisan and people are willing to openly discuss opinions that may not be their own, but are entirely valid points.
b)maintain all the things I have already started - check

  • this blog is back up and running
  • my website  is finished being designed, has some preliminary art work up there, and eventually will have videos and audio when I get all those pieces to their final stages of being music as well as visual/written art.
c) admit defeat

  • I will never be good at Vegas - the editing software, but I have Derek, so it doesn't matter.
List of things yet to come

a) move - on June first
  • paint before moving - walls stripped and plastered, now on to the painting part.
b) move piano to Brandon - hard to work without an instrument.
c) make enough money from art to work 3 days a week. (five year plan?)


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