Thursday 19 February 2009

Interesting facts you might not know

Clearly they are about me.

I figure its time you were in touch with what makes me tick. So I'm about to delve into the deep dark secrets of my life. (Probably not the juicy ones though)

My dad is accident prone. He has been hit by lightning twice. Apparently that hurts. He also got blood poisoning from a pig that bit him while he was trying to fix the water spout thingy in the pen. One time, he was holding an electric fence gate and a cow ran over it and the hook from the gate jammed into his hand (it happened to miss all the tendons, but was still a live wire). He got malaria from a mosquito in the Winnipeg air port, spent most of my child hood Christmases in the hospital, once from some weird thing with 7Th nerve. He has that same face thing as Jean Chretien, but no where near as severe, in fact, you can only tell when its really cold and he gets frostbite. He has had more nails through his foot than he has toes.

My brother has had more rabbis shots than most dogs get in their lives. Once was cuz he thought he was drowning out a gopher, but it was a skunk, then he tomahawk chopped it movie style and had to get the shots cuz they couldn't autopsy the skunk. The provincial vet knows him by name.

My mom, she likes to preach. The fact that I asked for a bible to write an essay freaked her out. . . She's very sweet, and funny. I look like here, but I'm really not at all like her in most ways.

On to me. That first part was mostly so I didn't sound so damn self absorbed.

I have a stuffed bear. I have had him since before I was born. He was a shower present, and his name is To-to. Some nice old lady made him. Sometimes I still sleep with him if I'm having bad dreams, or I'm lonely. I also used to suck my thumb. I don't do that anymore. I had a fisher price bunny too. It was pink. He didn't have a name. My mom and dad had to get rid of him when I was sick, or I lost him somewhere, I don't remember. But they got me a new one cuz I cried non-stop until they did.

I was a sick kid. I had tonsillitis and was in the hospital more times than I can count. I am also extremely intolerant to antibiotics and severely allergic to penicillin and sulfa drugs or even sulphites in food. This is the reason I wear a medical alert bracelet. I also had scarlet fever.

I had a math teacher that also taught my dad, my uncle and my brother. He was pretty cool and from England. I have an odd fascination with England. I kinda want to live there. I also have a fascination with France. I need to be in France right now.

I am generally dripping with sarcasm, for those of you who have not figured out why, let me enlighten you. I do not like to be hurt, and I hide behind humour. I am incredibly self-conscious and shy and awkward. Most of you are probably thinking wtf? but I assure you, I am freaking out in my head most of the time. I require people to be blunt and very, very straight forward with me because I am afraid of being hurt. I will not be offended by bluntness. I play games, but I want 'you' to let me win and then submit to everything I want.

I like stickers, and my mom's dog. I love my mom's dog in fact. Dogs are so much better than people some days, and she is incredibly warm, and I wish she could sleep in my bed every night and not be two hours away. (the dog, not my mom)

Sometimes I dream about dead people and it freaks me out. A lot. That's usually the reason I end up sleeping with the stuffed bear.

I was married. It was a mistake and people got hurt. I probably hurt him, in fact, I know I hurt him. While I feel bad about hurting him, he really didn't give me any other option. I had to make a choice for myself, and I have never held a grudge against him. I am sorry for all the friends I lost over it, but I had to make the right choice for me. I will probably never mend all the bridges and relationships that got damaged, and that truly bothers me. 

I really, really want to believe that love is still out there for me. As Corny and cheesy as I may come off right now, I want to believe that someone out there is as corny and cheesy as me and will someday find me, or at least not be shy. I'm open to anyone sane, or even remotely sane, who knows lots of stupid random facts and is sociable and I can take home. Grant and Amy make me believe this is possible, as much as they are moushy and cheesy to the max, they give me hope.

Okay on that note, confession. I like older men. I do not have a daddy complex. My family upbringing was quite normal and average and not fucked up at all. I just have this thing for well educated, slightly older, debonair, suave, funny, men. I also like the quiet ones. Oh and by slightly older I mean between 10 and 20 years older than me. I am also not a gold digger. Of all the relationships I've ever had the ones with more 'mature' sensible men have been the best. They somehow allowed me to be independent, and since i don't like being suffocated, this works quite well. The attraction is not purely intellectual however, I quite like salt and pepper hair. I think it looks quite sexy. (Jake are you puking yet?) Did I say I like them sarcastic and funny? Probably. 

I have insane stage fright, I think it goes with the self conscious thing. I am really trying to get over it. Even talking in a class is sometimes freaky for me. My mind often goes blank. No Jake, not because I'm attracted to the teacher. . . although. . . :P.

One last thing, I like hugs. I'm a hugging person. Oh and I can keep secrets really well. Someday I want someone to know all my secrets though. Maybe it will be the next person who hugs me. Oh random other fact, I'm dyslexic, but only when I'm tired.


  1. I didn't but puke, but I do have diarrhea now.

    But seriously, this is so interesting! I lived with you and learned quite a bit, but not this much. I think your dad passed the 'accident prone' gene down into his kids. As for the one true love thing, I've been ruined by They MIght be Giants, they sing a song called AnaNg about how someone's one true love is on the other side of the planet and they'll never meet. So depressing.

    Also, did I ever hug you? I don't think so. I should have hugged at some point and I regret that I didn't

  2. Awww :)

    They might be Giants are great. I once got caught in the office dancing to them in my was pretty embarrassing.

    If you ever come back to Brandon for a visit, you'll have to hug me!

  3. I'm glad that through all the cheesiness, Grant and I inspire something in you (which isn't projectile vomit) and no matter how corny or cheesy it sounds, I think that you will find that kind of love.
